User Interface

The UI will change completely with the final product. Until then, if you have any questions we'll try and answer them within this guide.

Welcome to the User Interface Guide for our product! In this guide, we will cover the fundamental features and functions of the product.

Spacer Console

When you log in to Spacer, you will be redirected to the Spacer Console. This is the place where you can manage your spaces.

By default, there is already a space created by us for you, for the purpose of the beta. During the beta process you are not able to create new spaces, that will change once the MVP is launched. For now, there is only one space available per user.

Here you can see the space provider, the space type, its status, if it is initialized, etc. In order to see your applications you need to click on the eye icon on the right side of the grid.

Space app

When clicking the eye icon you will be redirected to the Space app. Here you can do manual deploys of your builds, you can see the applications that you have deployed, and details about them.

When you first access the Space app, there page will be empty since there are no applications deployed.

In order to start the deployment of your app build, you need to click the Add app button on the upper right corner.

Once you click on the Add app button, the deployment process starts. First you will need to upload your app build by drag and drop or by selecting your file from your sistem. If you want to test our product with our demo application first then you can download it here.

When the upload is complete, the screen will ask you to input the project details. Fill in those inputs, and select React as a framework if the app is JS based.

After you have filled those inputs, you can click on Create and the app will be deployed. It may take a minute until the app is up and running.

When you get redirected back to the Space app, you will see your application displayed as a card. The view button opens the app details and the eye button will open the application in a new tab. If you have used our demo app then click on the eye button and you should see this:

App details and builds

On the Space app board, on the application cards you can click on the View button on the card in order to manage your application.

By clicking the view button you will first see the app properties. Here you can change the Name and the Description of you application.

In order to see your builds for the current application you can switch to the builds tab.

Here you will have the option to upload new builds for the app by clicking the Upload build button.

Download a build version of your choice by clicking the download icon on the build.

Delete a build by clicking the trash can icon on the build.

Activate an older version of the build by clicking the chevron on the build version that you want. When you activate another version of the build the current build version will be set to inactive.

We hope this guide has provided you with the information you need to start using product. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our us through our Discord channel.